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Blue Bella Moon CHR

currently 14.3 hh at withers - and still growing
Foaled May 7th, 2020
out of Blues Serene (by Keen Edge / & carries the lines of Orzel and Kontiki)
by Grilla: The first, and only, son of the outstanding race mare Dixie Darlene, with an impressive racing record himself. Currently standing at Mandolynn Hill Farms.
BeBe is very intelligent and clever, funny, brave, loving, and very athletic 4 year old
with a promising future ahead.
Registered as a Colorado Bred Foal with the
CO-BRA Program
BeBe is green-broke, halters, leads, trailer loads, takes baths, fly sprays, ties, line lunges, stands for veterinary and farrier work, knows ground cues and is respectful of personal space, she willingly accepts a rider and
a saddle and is currently still in training. She has no fear, loves obstacles, and an enthusiastic learner. BeBe went through a desensitizing program and passed with flying colors.
She has been free fed since day 1 - can eat off of a hay net, has no feeding time issues

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